The NAICS & EnergyStar Portfolio Manager (ESPM) Crosswalk can help water suppliers utilize NAICS codes for categorizing their commercial water accounts according to the EnergyStar Portfolio Manager’s Classifications and SubClassifications....

The CII Customer Classification Guide is intended to help conservation staff re-classify their CII accounts per the Long Term Framework (SB 606/AB1668) Performance Measures by June 30, 2027 (per proposed...

SB 606 and AB 1668, signed in 2018 and referred to as the Long-Term Framework legislation, are intended to make conservation a California way of life. The legislation tasked the...

SB 606 and AB 1668, signed in 2018 and referred to as the Long-Term Framework legislation, are intended to make conservation a California way of life. The legislation tasked the...

Updated October 20, 2023 *Includes correction related to qualifying residential accounts* SB 606 and AB 1668, signed in 2018 and referred to as the Long-Term Framework legislation, are intended to...

Updated October 18, 2023 SB 606 and AB 1668, signed in 2018 and referred to as the Long-Term Framework legislation, are intended to make conservation a California way of life....

Updated October 20, 2023 *Includes correction related to qualifying residential accounts* SB 606 and AB 1668, signed in 2018 and referred to as the Long-Term Framework legislation, are intended to...

This report summarizes design considerations for independent indoor and outdoor residential leak detection and repair trainings aimed at plumbers and landscape professionals. In early 2022, with funding from the Bay...

This report summarizes design considerations for independent indoor and outdoor residential leak detection and repair certification trainings aimed at plumbers and landscape professionals. In early 2022, with funding from the...

With a statewide drought, news outlets really want to talk water! Working with the media can be a great way to reach your audience but takes extra preparation – practice...

Collaboration between the conservation and operation departments in water utilities is key to improving water conservation, mitigating water loss, and developing programs that will benefit the whole service area of...

CalWEP is excited to launch a first of its kind graphics-only landscape maintenance guide for low-water use landscapes! 20 pages of easy to understand content printed on durable material to...

INTRODUCTION The purpose of this primer is to aid water suppliers in reaching heightened community participation and achievement in order to meet voluntary and/or mandatory water savings. To make this...

Providing tools and resources for your customers to become simply and quickly aware of, track, and manage the way they purposefully or inadvertently use water is a powerful customer service...

INTRODUCTION During normal water supply conditions and droughts, water agencies can adopt and enforce regulations that prohibit or restrict how and when water is used by their customers, for example,...

CalWEP’s Jumpstart Water Shortage Toolkit, Tool #1 Model Water Shortage Contingency Plans, 1st Edition (2015) has been updated to reflect new requirements for urban water suppliers’ 2020 Urban Water Management...

Beginning October 1, 2020, all Spray Sprinkler Bodies (SSB) must meet specific performance requirements and contain the proper markings in order to be legally sold in California. Further, all products...

Beginning October 1, 2020, all Spray Sprinkler Bodies (SSB) must meet specific performance requirements and contain the proper markings in order to be legally sold in California. Further, all products...

**This cut sheet is out of date. Please go here for the more recent draft regulations** SB606 and AB1668, passed in 2018, intend to “make water conservation a California way...

CalWEP has updated and reissued its Landscape Conversion Criteria Tool intended to assist turf rebate program managers design effective and progressive rebate criteria.  The tool offers a “menu” of program...

The Energy and Greenhouse Gas Cut Sheet is part of a series that offers a short and comprehensive summary of environmental and social benefits attributed to sustainable landscapes. Findings from...

The Multiple Benefits of Water Conservation: Defining the environmental and social benefits of landscape transformation programs, is a brief summary document that highlights findings from a comprehensive literature review on...

With upcoming expansion of irrigation meter programs, it is important to take a step back and analyze known information about the real-world application of these programs. The California Water Efficiency...

The Human Health and Well Being Cut Sheet is part of a series that offers a short and comprehensive summary of environmental and social benefits attributed to sustainable landscapes. Findings from...

The Property Value Cut Sheet is part of a series that offers a short and comprehensive summary of environmental and social benefits attributed to sustainable landscapes. Findings from CalWEP’s comprehensive...

Drought conditions prompt dramatic actions by water utilities to curb customer water demand. These actions are typically focused on limiting the frequency of lawn watering and, in more severe cases,...

Our popular Practical Plumbing Handbook in now available in spanish! This handbook provides useful information on conserving water and fixing many common problems such as leaky faucets, running toilets, and...

Agenda: Welcome and Introductions Overview of JTF purpose and mission CalWEP Tools and Resources Available now In development Review the Long Term Framework Excel Document (thanks, Luke!) Open discussion with Committee Members Questions to think...

For Framework Implementation JTF review: Should CalWEP update this toolkit in light of SB 606/ AB1668?   Water shortage contingency plans (WSCP) have been required as part of the water...

DWR Direct Action Contract Task #5: Dedicated Irrigation Meter Management for CII Accounts   Background: The California Urban Water Conservation Council developed a Handbook for BMP No. 5 for large...

Wholesale Water Loss Organization Representative 1 Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, Zone 7 Water Robyn Navarra 2 Association of California Water Agencies Chelsea Haines 3 Calaveras County...

  Program Committee Meeting Notes Tuesday, May 21st | 10:00 AM -12:00 PM Attendees: Jenyffer Vasquez, West Basin Nicholle Fratus, Contra Costa WD Sofia Marcus, LADWP William Granger, City of...

AWE’s Landscape Transformation Study found that consumers are ready for sustainable, water-efficient landscapes—but they need help from their water providers. AWE’s new publication, Sustainable Landscapes: A Utility Program Guide, leverages the...

The Program Committee chairs are still soliciting feedback from committee volunteers on task force priority actions and deliverables. Attached is a compiled list of proposed ideas to-date taken directly from...

Download this publication (excel file) to see a summary of DWR’s primer and potential areas of work for CalWEP committees. CalWEP is establishing a Framework Taskforce to explore tools and...

CalWEP is making available, on special terms to CalWEP members, the WaterView™ water conservation and data management portal developed by Eagle Aerial Solutions with input from CalWEP members. This tool...

Tools included: #1 – Model Water Shortage Contingency Plans #2 – Water Waste Ordinances and Enforcement Primer #3 – Water Shortage Pricing Primer #4 – Water Loss and Supply Alternatives...

Available to Members Only Commercial Kitchens Water Use Efficiency and Best Practices Guide AWE’s Commercial Kitchens Water Use Efficiency and Best Practices Guide will help improve water efficiency in commercial...

Program Committee May 21, 2019 | 10am-12pm August 20, 2019 | 10am-12pm November 5, 2019 | 10am-12pm Research Committee April 23, 2019 | 1pm-2:30pm June 25, 2019 | 1pm-2:30pm October...

  Program Committee Meeting Notes Wednesday, January 16th | 1:00-3:00 PM Attendees: Cassandra Barnhill, Placer County Water Agency Kellock Irvin, Dropcountr Joe Berg, MWDOC Scott Kleinrock, Chino Basin WCD Peter...

Research Committee Kick-off Meeting Notes (2/13/2019) AWE Research Committee (Bill Christiansen) Seek out funding partners and grants Track related research and often have updates of on-going research meet by webinar/conf....

As cities face growing challenges ensuring a safe, reliable, long-term water supply, new research from the Alliance for Water Efficiency proves that urban landscapes represent a promising source of untapped...

Program Committee Meeting Notes Tuesday, March 19th | 10:00 AM ‐12:00 PM Attendees: Cassandra Barnhill, Placer County Water Agency Alice Webb‐Cole, MWD Dawn Calciano, City of Davis Diana Williford, City...

Introduction The AWE Water Conservation Tracking Tool is an Excel-based planning model that water suppliers can use to evaluate the water savings, costs, and benefits of conservation programs.  Using information...

On May 31, 2018 Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law two new bills that will require urban water providers throughout California to set new permanent water use targets for their service...

The Toolbox is a new digital platform designed by the California Water Efficiency Partnership to share water conservation research and tools. The open platform allows community members to search site resources as...

  The Los Angeles Department of Water and Power analyzed the impact of decades of water conservation efforts to provide a clear answer to the common customer question: “Why do...

The Practical Plumbing Handbook will provide you with useful information on conserving water and fixing many common problems such as leaky faucets, running toilets, and inefficient irrigation systems. This handbook...

CalWEP has developed a series of Community-Based Social Marketing (CBSM) resources for water conservation professionals as part of its Landscape Tool Series. The CBSM resources consists of the following three...

CalWEP has developed a series of Community-Based Social Marketing (CBSM) resources for water conservation professionals as part of its Landscape Tool Series. The CBSM resources consists of the following three...

Written and designed by G3: Green Gardens Group, this publication was made possible with funding from the California Water Efficiency Partnership, Surfrider Foundation, Water Efficiency Trust and the generous sponsors...

The California Urban Water Conservation Council decided to study the issue of free riders in ultra-low-flush toilet programs for several important reasons. Outlining those reasons is useful to understanding the...

On May 31, 2018 Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law two new bills that will require urban water providers throughout California to set new permanent water use targets for their...

In 2018, Governor Brown signed SB 606/AB 1668 into law. This bill seeks to “Make Water Conservation a Way of California Life.” The media’s response to this bill was all...

FOREWARD California’s landscapes provide essential functions throughout our urban environment. It’s where we recreate, cool our buildings, enhance property values, capture, clean and recharge groundwater, provide wildlife habitat, grow food...

This report, Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Task Force Water Use Best Management Practices Report to the Legislature, identifies specific best management practices (BMPs) and actions to support the commercial, industrial,...

This report, Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Task Force Water Use Best Management Practices Report to the Legislature, identifies specific best management practices (BMPs) and actions to support the commercial, industrial,...

The purpose of this study was to evaluate and estimate water savings that accrued from the replacement of slightly less than 5,000 aging high-volume toilets1 in 80 multi-family residential and...

This guidebook has been written to assist urban water agencies with understanding and successfully administering CII conservation programs in accordance with the CII BMP. The intended audience is the Water...

This guidebook has been written to assist urban water agencies with understanding and successfully administering landscape conservation programs in accordance with the Landscape BMP. The intended audience is the Water...

This guidebook has been written to assist urban water agencies with understanding and successfully administering residential conservation programs in accordance with the Residential BMP. The intended audience is a Water...

As a Foundational Best Management Practice (BMP), School Education is an essential water conservation activity for all water utilities and is adopted for implementation by all signatories to the Memorandum...

In December 2008, the California Urban Water Conservation Council (Council) updated the Best Management Practices (BMPs) required under the Memorandum of Understanding Regarding Urban Water Conservation in California (MOU)1, incorporating...

This study and report are an outgrowth of concerns that have developed over the past 10 years regarding the vulnerability of toilet flush valve seals (commonly termed flappers) to normal...