Our past, present, and future.
CalWEP’s mission is to maximize urban water efficiency and conservation throughout California by supporting and integrating innovative technologies and practices; encouraging effective public policies; advancing research, training, and public education; and building collaborative approaches and partnerships.
Twenty-five years ago, in response to a goal set by the State Water Resources Control Board to save more than one million gallons of water through conservation efforts, hundreds of water agencies, environmental groups, and other interested parties signed a historic Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). A first of its kind collaboration among a vast array of stakeholders, the council established voluntarily best management practices for California water agencies to conserve our most precious resource while documenting their successes.
With increased pressure from a changing climate – more severe droughts and water uncertainty – and new mandatory regulations from the state of California, including new framework to “Make Water Conservation a California Way of Life,” the Council membership voted to allow the organization to sunset, replacing it with a new one: the California Water Efficiency Partnership, or CalWEP.
In March of 2018, the California Water Efficiency Partnership launched as an innovative leader, voice and expert on water efficiency in California. The Partnership carries forward the expertise and collaboration that was a Council hallmark but with a new name and new, nimble framework. CalWEP is committed to providing cutting-edge expertise on California water issues, challenges, and opportunities within a broad collaborative framework.
Members of CalWEP are voluntarily organized into two main committees. These committees help drive our work and prioritize our agenda. Members are invited to join one or more committee. As needed, “task forces” will be formed to address more specific, time-limited topics. Members can contact [email protected] to join a committee!
The Research and Evaluation Committee's mission is to collaboratively identify and pursue research projects that will benefit the statewide membership. Members can view notes and upcoming meetings in MyCalWEP.
Pulling from a diverse membership, the program committee meets for regular Peer-to-Peer engagement to communicate needs, successes, and challenges, and identify actionable steps for addressing conservation program needs both on an agency and statewide level. Members can view notes and upcoming meetings in MyCalWEP.
We’re excited to be a 1% for the Planet non-profit partner.
If your business is a member, please consider naming the California Water Efficiency Partnership as your beneficiary. For more information, please visit www.onepercentfortheplanet.org.