During normal water supply conditions and droughts, water agencies can adopt and enforce regulations that prohibit or restrict how and when water is used by their customers, for example, no irrigation on certain days and hours.
This tool provides examples of how water agencies implemented and enforced water waste ordinances in 2012-2017, what they learned, the changes they made for the current and/or future droughts, and advice for those interested in implementing a similar program. The Case Study highlights the Mesa Water District’s Water Ambassador Program and how hiring temporary employees (also referred to as temps) focusing on education and helping residents and businesses fix violations led to success.
As part of this tool, you’ll have access to water agencies’ enforcement materials, such as enforcement training manuals, job descriptions, scheduling sheets, and outreach materials. Visit to access these resources.
For the purposes of this tool, the word “ordinance” refers to both ordinances adopted by local governments and regulations adopted by water suppliers.
Please note that the 2021 Toolkit is a members-only benefit and should not be distributed.
Special thanks to Maureen Erbeznik, Kim O’Cain, and Sonja Turner-Montaño for their work on this resource.