Multiple Benefits of Landscape Transformation Cut Sheet: Human Health & Well Being

Published: March 1st, 2020 | , | ,

The Human Health and Well Being Cut Sheet is part of a series that offers a short and comprehensive summary of environmental and social benefits attributed to sustainable landscapes.

Findings from CalWEP’s comprehensive literature review focused on the multi-benefits of sustainable landscapes have been synthesized into downloadable cut sheets, as part of CalWEP’s landscape tool series. Each represents a specific benefit theme provided by the Pacific Institute’s multi-benefit framework:  1) Water, 2) Energy, 3) Risk & Resilience, 4) Land & Environment, and 5) People & Communities. They have been designed to highlight the following information:

  • Summary narrative of findings from academic literature and other studies
  • Quantitative benefit
  • Qualitative benefits (where applicable)
  • Comprehensive bibliography

Information contained within the Human Health and Well Being Cut Sheet can be utilized by water agency staff to achieve any of the following:

  • Develop an appreciation for the breadth of multi-benefits, both environmental and social, associated with landscape transformations;
  • Integrate benefits into water management multi-benefit decision making frameworks;
  • Improve landscape transformation program pitches to increase uptake by hard-to-reach customers, including the CII sector;
  • Improve the business case for landscape transformation using return on investment calculators; and
  • Source benefits for use in community-based social marketing campaigns.


This work was made possible with funding from the California Department of Water Resources.

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