Drought Resource Hub

Materials, references, and resources related to the Jumpstart Water Shortage Toolkit

Welcome to the Drought Resource Hub. This is a collaborative space for CalWEP members to track drought-related materials and publications including resources mentioned in the Jumpstart Water Shortage Toolkit. Members can also upload their own content and post comments or questions on each resource. Use the faceted search option below to sort through dozens of examples from around the state. Questions? Email [email protected].

Tool #1: Model Water Shortage Contingency Plans

This tool provides model Water Shortage Contingency Plans(WSCP) and has been updated to reflect new requirements for urban water suppliers’ 2020 Urban Water Management Plans (UWMP).

Tool #2: Water Waste Ordinances, Allotments, and Enforcement

This tool provides examples of how water agencies implemented and enforced water waste ordinances in 2012-2017, what they learned, the changes they made for the current and/or future droughts, and advice for those interested in implementing a similar program.

Tool #3: Drought Communications Primer

This primer identifies popular and effective water efficiency programs, along with the communication and outreach strategies that have been used by California water suppliers to educate customers, influence water use behaviors, and realize water savings.

Tool #4: Water Use and Waste Awareness Programs

In this tool, we explore how different water agencies are using new and enhanced metering, sensor, and aerial imaging technology to provide useful data for tackling drought enforcement and conservation programming while providing customers with the tools they need to become effective water managers.