CalWEP’s Jumpstart Water Shortage Toolkit, Tool #1 Model Water Shortage Contingency Plans, 1st Edition (2015) has been updated to reflect new requirements for urban water suppliers’ 2020 Urban Water Management Plans (UWMP). A link to the 1st Edition can be found in the Resource section.
Each urban water supplier must develop and adopt a Water Shortage Contingency Plan (WSCP) as part of its Urban Water Management Plan every five years. Urban water suppliers are those that provide (directly or indirectly) more than 3,000 acre-feet of water each year or serve more than 3,000 urban connections. Suppliers may coordinate and/or collaborate on a WSCP with other suppliers or agencies in an areawide, regional, watershed or basin wide urban water management plan or groundwater sustainability plan development. Adopted Urban Water Management Plans are due to the Department of Water Resources by July 1, 2021. Suppliers regulated by the Public Utilities Commission are required to include their most recent WSCP in their general rate case filings.
A WSCP is defined by the California Department of Water Resources (DWR) as “a strategic plan developed by and for a water supplier to prepare and respond to water shortages.” California Water Code Section 10632 provides specific requirements for a WSCP.
Check out all our JWST Tools:
Tool #2: Water Waste Ordinances, Allocations, and Enforcement
Tool #3: Drought Communications
Tool #4: Water Use and Waste Awareness Programs
Please note that the 2021 Toolkit is a members-only benefit and should not be distributed.
Special thanks to Maureen Erbeznik, Kim O’Cain, and Sonja Turner-Montaño for their work on this resource.