Tuesday, March 19th | 10:00 AM ‐12:00 PM
Cassandra Barnhill, Placer County Water Agency Alice Webb‐Cole, MWD
Dawn Calciano, City of Davis Diana Williford, City of Brentwood
Maureen Erbeznik, Consultant Madeline Wood, City of Santa Barbara
Andy Florendo, Solano County Water Agency Julie Saare‐Edmonds, DWR
Nicholle Fratus, Contra Costa WD Sofia Marcus, LADWP
Chavon Halushka, Santa Clarita Valley Water Agency Lindsey Rogers, Water Now Alliance
Sherry Bryan, Ecology Action Lacey Smith, AWE
Nola Hastings, IRWD Hien Nguyen, SWE Inc.
Linda Higgins, Placer County Water Agency Krista Reger, MWD
Kellock Irvin, Dropcountr Lisa Cuellar, CalWEP (Staff Support)
Luke Sires, EBMUD (Committee Chair) Tia Lebherz, CalWEP (Staff Support)
Robyn Navarra, Zone 7 (Committee Vice Chair)
Gregory Plumb, Sonoma County WA
Sergio Ramirez, SFPUC
Krista Reger, MWD
Action Items: Follow‐up with Lisa if interested in a specific Task Force Topic
1. Welcome and Introductions‐ (Lisa)
Program Committee Chair/ Vice Chair: Luke Sires/ Robyn Navarra
Program Committee Staff Support: Lisa Cuellar
Research Committee Chair/ Vice Chair: Matt Dickens/ Mike Hollis
Research Committee Staff Support: Tia Lebherz
2. Meeting Notes Updates ‐ (Luke)
Review of standing meeting dates (Tuesdays): May 20th, August 20th, November 5th
3. CalWEP Updates
a. AMI Interoperability study w/ Don Schlenger (Mary Ann)
DWR Direct Action Contract directive. Need to avoid mixing of technologies that aren’t compatible. Don’s recommendations were to develop guidelines and then put them in an RFP template. A manual of best practices will also be prepared, where a PAC of 11 utilities will be reviewing draft of manual. Last piece for utilities that participated and provided cost share: will get 5 hours of consulting time from Don.
All projected to be completed by June 30th
RFP template will be distributed within the next couple of weeks.
b. Smart Rebates (Mary Ann)
Harkens back to Prop 50 days, and developed so smaller water agencies could have CalWEP (CUWCC) run these programs for them
Since a lot of rebates have been declining, and in light of the Conservation Framework, does Smart Rebates need a make‐over?
Should we include both indoor and outdoor? CalWEP looking into a webbased platform, and taking a look at the options.
Question to the group: Is this a worthwhile effort?
Robyn: How many agencies are participating?
Sarah: 5 that just do high efficiency, toilets, urinals, water broom (one agency only), Carpentaria is renegotiated: clothes washer, WBICs, Laundry to Landscape, Commercial HE washers, Urinals, etc.
Robyn: Have we ever considered direct install?
Mary Ann: Yes, for pre‐rinse spray valves. Got $ from CPUC. We haven’t done one otherwise but doesn’t mean we couldn’t.
Robyn: Thinking about a regional program that might be applicable
Mary Ann: Only limitation to making direct install work is scoping out the savings.
c. Long Term Framework (LTF) Conservation Tool (Mary Ann)
CalWEP was anxious to get something going in light of the LTF. Tracking tool to help you reach compliance goals – However, we are waiting to see how the state envisions water agencies will be reporting compliance. Want to make sure whatever we develop will be accepted by DWR Tool will also help agencies plant how you can be in compliance
Sophia: Will tool account for variability whether (ET) variability?
Mary Ann: That will have to be built into the tool. ET data is loaded into tool that AWE built. Water loss would have to be converted to per capita.
d. Research Committee (Tia)
Last mtg. covered a host of different topics – central theme: organization, typology and protocol. Talked broadly on what research is being done and looked deeper into how to develop research protocols. Board voted long‐term CalWEP/ AWE Research committee will be integrated. Can leverage resources this way. Wiki Toolbox was noted as a place to share research. Work will continue to build out a clearinghouse of resources.
Allison: CalWEP/AWE will be one research committee?
Tia: Yes, but task forces would be CA specific, and progress/findings would be reported back to the bigger group
4. Long‐term Framework – (Luke)
CalWEP collaboration with LTF studies
Mary Ann: Opportunity to help with research task, it would be useful if RC & PC could weigh in and let DWR know how we can help. This could be an opportunity to work
collaboratively. Which items are best suited for that?
Luke: Deadlines vary from 2020 to 2022.
Madeline: CII targets are vaguer than others, and those with field experience could offer a lot. Mixed meters to dedicated meters some areas don’t make sense.
Robyn: For multi mixed‐use buildings, submetering is challenging. As we’re trying to make this move forward there can be great cost from converting from a single to a dedicated or submeter. Need to address difficulty in the process. Wondering if there are ways to explore programs that benefit both the business and the water agency. Noting also that consumers in rented buildings want more control.
Luke: See ‐ “Technologies that could be used in lieu of requiring dedicated irrigation meters.”
Sofia: Thinking of the Framework as a whole – seeing a guidebook as a deliverable, and as a resource for establishing the urban water use objective. (#5 of EOC Urban is one of the items, and specifically #13 and #17)
Mary Ann: Person who can respond would be Peter, this would be a good idea. We could approach Peter with a whole host of things. He’s facing a huge amount of work. 52 actions!
Mary Ann: #10 ‐ CII guidance on dedicated irrigation meters already underway so we can carry that work forward.
Sofia ‐ #14 Is there a knowledge base from CalWEP members?
5. Task Force Topics – (Lisa & Luke)
Presented several task force topics and requested feedback from committee members on specific topics of interest.
LTF – had floated the idea of having a joint PC/RC to address Primer issues
Landscape – Krista is interested in all of it!
Greg: Regarding development of contract specifications for QWEL: Requirements to include to any EPA WaterSense certification (i.e. G3, CLCA, IA)
Krista: Curious if anybody else finds it worthwhile to discuss the different certifications? How agencies could provide multiple trainings in a streamlined
approach; Greg thinks it’s a good idea.
Linda: Interest in contract spec, and landscape post‐installation
Greg: Regarding a maintenance manual, we already have MWD’s CA Friendly book, or Bob Perry’s book, Plants for CA, together with Chino Basin have been put into a website – Inland Valley Garden planner + Bob Perry’s images are supplemented with maintenance notes. A more general version of that website could be cool.
Mary Ann: Regarding Framework compliance & Eagle Aerial services that will be available – can help medium to small sized water agencies with budgeting, parcel mapping, but also making sure that residential numbers are enough to ensure compliance. Opportunities to field test an app that they prepared for Irvine Ranch. CalWEP could make available to members: “Landscape Framework Compliance Tools”
Sofia: Regarding the LTF, does it make sense to have a separate committee?
Sherry: Interested in supporting work around a watershed approach AMI – Existing group affiliated with the RFP template would be able to morph into these conversations,
Luke: let’s roadmap that for several months out.
Linda: Wants to participate on AMI task force.
Water Loss –
Sofia: Through SB 555 process State Water Board is looking at standards for real losses or leaks – it will be a real number, the economic model has not been revealed. May /June we’ll learn how calc. will be determined. Pilot scale implementation: Reduce leakage in the system, advanced pressure management, pipe replacements, improve leak response time. Compliance deadline is 2035 – 3 year average w/ 5% buffer (July 1, 2020). Two opportunities for utilities to provide data to show target will need to be adjusted.
Mary Ann: We’ve heard water loss needs to continue (Note: AWE has a webinar on component analysis & Potential coordination with CA‐NV)
**This is a great Program Committee contribution
Sofia: Agrees because there’s lots of turn‐over so there is a need for ongoing training.
Sofia: wondering if there are other things outside of the Framework that deals with customer engagement?
Other –
Maureen: Benchmarking & cooling towers are good adds
Summary: LTF Task Force that’s joint b/w RC/PC. AMI should be addressed with existing PAC.
6. Other Business – (Lisa)
Discussion of PM web‐based applications
Robyn: Uses Trello – Key features: Once a task is completed, can set alerts, have been using for years. It’s free, but if you pay get a few more perks. Been using for 4‐ 5 years.
7. Next Meeting ‐ (Luke)
Tuesday, May 21st, 2019