The NAICS & EnergyStar Portfolio Manager (ESPM) Crosswalk can help water suppliers utilize NAICS codes for categorizing their commercial water accounts according to the EnergyStar Portfolio Manager’s Classifications and SubClassifications....
The NAICS & EnergyStar Portfolio Manager (ESPM) Crosswalk can help water suppliers utilize NAICS codes for categorizing their commercial water accounts according to the EnergyStar Portfolio Manager’s Classifications and SubClassifications....
The CII Customer Classification Guide is intended to help conservation staff re-classify their CII accounts per the Long Term Framework (SB 606/AB1668) Performance Measures by June 30, 2027 (per proposed...
SB 606 and AB 1668, signed in 2018 and referred to as the Long-Term Framework legislation, are intended to make conservation a California way of life. The legislation tasked the...
SB 606 and AB 1668, signed in 2018 and referred to as the Long-Term Framework legislation, are intended to make conservation a California way of life. The legislation tasked the...
Water agencies across the state often conduct their own research in-house. CalWEP members can now post their organization/agency's latest reports so fellow members can easily access them via MyCalWEP. This is a member only resource.
Member Research