Framework Compliance

California’s Long-Term Framework legislation (SB 606 and AB 1668) sets new standards for urban water suppliers, requiring them to enhance water efficiency through clearly defined standards and performance measures. These...

This guidebook is designed to help water suppliers comply with the “Making Conservation as a California Way of Life” framework (WUE Regulation), focusing specifically on the classification of Commercial, Industrial,...

Updated October 2024 CalWEP, in coordination with DWR and the State Water Board, has prepared a detailed guide on the UWUO Alternative Data Process. This guidance document helps water suppliers request...

This guidebook is designed for urban water suppliers to support compliance with the State’s Water Use Efficiency Regulation. It specifically addresses the requirements under the Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Dedicated...

One of CalWEP’s most requested resources is now available for members! Introducing CalWEP’s RFP Guidance and Template RFP for various implementation and compliance tasks associated with the “Making Conservation a...

Updated December 16, 2024 with 2023 CEC Data  CalWEP and the California Data Collaborative (CaDC) have partnered to provide an easy solution for water agencies to comply with the disclosable...

The NAICS & Energy Star Portfolio Manager (ESPM) Crosswalk can help water suppliers utilize NAICS codes for categorizing their commercial water accounts according to the EnergyStar Portfolio Manager’s Classifications and...

SB 606 and AB 1668, signed in 2018 and referred to as the Long-Term Framework legislation, are intended to make conservation a California way of life. The legislation tasked the...

Updated October 20, 2023 *Includes correction related to qualifying residential accounts* SB 606 and AB 1668, signed in 2018 and referred to as the Long-Term Framework legislation, are intended to...

Updated October 2, 2024 SB 606 and AB 1668, signed in 2018 and referred to as the Long-Term Framework legislation, are intended to make conservation a California way of life....

Updated October 20, 2023 *Includes correction related to qualifying residential accounts* SB 606 and AB 1668, signed in 2018 and referred to as the Long-Term Framework legislation, are intended to...

**This cut sheet is out of date. Please go here for the more recent draft regulations** SB606 and AB1668, passed in 2018, intend to “make water conservation a California way...

With upcoming expansion of irrigation meter programs, it is important to take a step back and analyze known information about the real-world application of these programs. The California Water Efficiency...

Agenda: Welcome and Introductions Overview of JTF purpose and mission CalWEP Tools and Resources Available now In development Review the Long Term Framework Excel Document (thanks, Luke!) Open discussion with Committee Members Questions to think...

For Framework Implementation JTF review: Should CalWEP update this toolkit in light of SB 606/ AB1668?   Water shortage contingency plans (WSCP) have been required as part of the water...

DWR Direct Action Contract Task #5: Dedicated Irrigation Meter Management for CII Accounts   Background: The California Urban Water Conservation Council developed a Handbook for BMP No. 5 for large...

Download this publication (excel file) to see a summary of DWR’s primer and potential areas of work for CalWEP committees. CalWEP is establishing a Framework Taskforce to explore tools and...

CalWEP is making available, on special terms to CalWEP members, the WaterView™ water conservation and data management portal developed by Eagle Aerial Solutions with input from CalWEP members. This tool...

Introduction The AWE Water Conservation Tracking Tool is an Excel-based planning model that water suppliers can use to evaluate the water savings, costs, and benefits of conservation programs.  Using information...

On May 31, 2018 Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law two new bills that will require urban water providers throughout California to set new permanent water use targets for their service...

On May 31, 2018 Gov. Jerry Brown signed into law two new bills that will require urban water providers throughout California to set new permanent water use targets for their...

In 2018, Governor Brown signed SB 606/AB 1668 into law. This bill seeks to “Make Water Conservation a Way of California Life.” The media’s response to this bill was all...