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A Practical Guide to Measuring Landscape Areas with Dedicated Irrigation Meters in CII Sectors

Published: October 17th, 2024 | |

A joint publication with CaDC, SDCWA, and CalWEP

This guidebook is designed for urban water suppliers to support compliance with the State’s Water Use Efficiency Regulation. It specifically addresses the requirements under the Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional Dedicated Irrigation Meter (CII-DIM) Standard, which necessitates urban water suppliers to identify and measure the landscape area associated with CII-DIMs.

The steps outlined in this guidebook may also assist suppliers in meeting similar requirements under the CII Threshold for Converting CII Mixed-Use Meters (MUM) to DIMs. Under this requirement, suppliers must identify which of their CII-MUM connections meet the large landscape area threshold, which is defined as ½ acre or greater in regulation Section 969(2).

Included in the guidebook are three approaches that provide options and guidance for:

1) Identifying both CII-MUMs and CII-DIMs; and

2) Measuring CII landscape areas with MUMs or DIMs given various levels of data analysis expertise, accessible data sets, and agencies’ resources.

The three approaches described in this guidebook are driven by lessons learned working with three urban water suppliers in San Diego County. Each water agency provided key data sets that were used to develop and document approaches to CII-DIM landscape area measurement (LAM) and identification performed by the California Data Collaborative (CaDC). These suppliers have service area populations ranging from 40,000 to 224,000, CII connections ranging from 1,000 to 3,500, and total connections ranging from 12,000 to 50,000. These suppliers had not previously identified or measured CII landscape areas with DIMS or MUMs.

Don’t miss our webinar on this publication on October 30, 2024 from 11am-12pm. Register today.

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