Peer to Peer 2021

Connect. Collaborate. Grow.

Location : Your Computer
Anywhere, CA

Date : June 2, 2021 9:00 am - June 3, 2021 3:30 pm

More Info

Thank you for attending Peer to Peer! Below you’ll find links to watch the recordings of the AM Plenary Sessions and PM afternoon workshops. You’ll also find links to PDFs of the slide decks presented throughout the morning and afternoon sessions.

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Day 1 Morning Sessions

Welcome to Peer to Peer

Coffee and Conversation with Mary Ann Dickinson and Ron Burke

          The above two sessions are on the same recording. (Watch Recording)

Controversial Statements: Making Water Conservation a Way of Life (Watch Recording)

Day 1 Afternoon Workshops

Campus Water Connections – Lessons Learned From Water Conservation Incentives: (Watch Recording) (View Slide Deck) This workshop will present and discuss barriers and challenges for schools to access and utilize incentives for water-saving projects. These challenges were identified through a study conducted by the Council for Watershed Health for the Metropolitan Water District. This workshop will also present case studies/examples of school water conservation and greening projects, and the incentives and resources that supported their implementation.

What’s Working in Water Loss Control?: (Watch Recording) (View Slide Deck) With final performance regulations regarding water loss coming down from the state, we’ll turn to the more practical and fun questions of how any one agency effectively tackles their leakage. This session will engage with agencies that have encountered programs, technologies, approaches and analysis that have worked to advance their system’s performance or insight.

Don’t Throw Away That Old Irrigation Controller!: (Watch Recording) (View Slide Deck) What happens to the irrigation controllers when they reach their end of life or are being upgraded? In most cases they end up being thrown in the landfill causing environmental issues. The electronic waste (E-Waste) industry has been around for decades and deals with the recycling of electronic components. This presentation will share a unique approach by an irrigation manufacturer who has found a responsible way to deal with discarded irrigation controllers preventing them from ending up in the landfill while partnering with a leading E-Waste company who employs people with disabilities to de-construct and recycle the equipment.

New Conservation Coordinator Workshop: Utility Operations: (Watch Recording) (View Slide Deck) Leveraging CalWEP’s new Implementation Guides, this series will explore our top tips and tricks for getting your programs off the ground and highlight real-world application through CalWEP member examples.

IRWD’s Meter to Parcel Project: (Watch Recording) (View Slide Deck) Irvine Ranch Water District (IRWD) completed the Meter to Parcel Project to improve the accuracy of the District’s measurement data pertaining to irrigated landscape areas, to integrate aerial imagery with assessor parcels and meter locations, and to improve the District’s understanding of irrigated areas within its service area. Incredibly, the District has completed mapping irrigation boundaries of over 100,000 meters.

Targeting Continuous Water Flow Customers with AMI – 3 Agencies Experiences: (Watch Recording) (View Slide Deck) As water providers are completing the installation of their AMI systems, water use efficiency teams are now using the hourly usage data to target customers with continuous use. This technology is not only changing the way we do our jobs, but it is resulting in tremendous water savings, appreciative customers, and multiple benefits that weren’t anticipated. It is also presenting some challenges and lessons learned. During this presentation you will hear how three different agencies, Sacramento Suburban Water District, the City of Beverly Hills, and the City of Santa Rosa are now working with AMI data to target their continuous use customers.

New Conservation Coordinator Workshop: Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional – Surveys and Partnerships Programs: (Watch Recording) (View Slide Deck) Leveraging CalWEP’s new Implementation Guides, this series will explore our top tips and tricks for getting your programs off the ground and highlight real-world application through CalWEP member examples.

Day 2 Morning Sessions

Welcome & Day 1 Reflections

California Climate Trends: Drought, Floods, and Fires (View Slide Deck)

What’s the Chatter on Water: Media Analysis (View Slide Deck)

          The above three sessions are on the same recording. (Watch Recording)

Current Trends in Water Use in California

Reflections: Bringing it Back to Water Efficiency

          The above two sessions are on the same recording. (Watch Recording)

Day 2 Afternoon Workshops

How to Get Help Adopting Water-Saving Measures — Without Paying For It: (Watch Recording) (View Slide Deck) Energy Plus Water is a utility-funded program that can provide free support for your Water Conservation ordinance efforts. We’ll share examples that have worked in cities across California, and you’ll learn about the free technical support, language suggestions and practical tools available that can make it easier for you to pass and adopt effective water measures.

Rachio Engagements Showcase: (Watch Recording) (View Slide Deck) Peer to Peer’s Grizzly Bear Sponsor, Rachio will be diving into Rachio Engagements! Rachio will explain how a Rachio Engagement works and showcase a few Case Studies to show how impactful a Rachio Engagement can be when it comes to improving watering habits.

Innovative Conservation Program 2021: Emerging Technologies: (Watch Recording) (View Slide Deck) Metropolitan Water District, in partnership with Southern California Gas, awarded grants to six innovative new programs this year. Learn more about this years grantees and the emerging technologies and programs they are bringing into the water efficiency space. Winners include: Alliance for Water Efficiency, Burbank Water and Power, CNSRV, Responsive Drip Irrigation, University of Florida, and Vinduino.

New Conservation Coordinator Workshop: Landscape Programs – Surveys, Turf Replacement, and Multi-benefits: (Watch Recording) (View Slide Deck) Leveraging CalWEP’s new Implementation Guides, this series will explore our top tips and tricks for getting your programs off the ground and highlight real-world application through CalWEP member examples.

Getting Multibenefit, Stacked Incentive Programs Off the Ground in San Diego County: (Watch Recording) (View Handout) In the Spring of 2021, San Diego County Water Authority will launch a new partnership with the County of San Diego’s Watershed Protection Program that will significantly increase available customer incentives for turf replacement, smart controllers, rainwater harvesting devices, and agricultural efficiency programs. The nexus between water efficiency and local water quality is core to this co-funding, as sustainable landscapes and green infrastructure reduce runoff, keeping pollutants out of storm drain systems and supporting clean, safe, waterways, and healthy ecosystems. Join managers from SDCWA and the County in a discussion of how this partnership came to life, the value and implications for two different agencies, and how attendees might assess opportunities for multi-benefit, stacked incentive opportunities in their communities.

Who is Left Behind When We Shift Focus to Outdoor Water Conservation? (And How Do We Fix It?): (Watch Recording) (View Slide Deck) (View Handout) As more utilities embrace the concept that water savings are increasingly found in landscape water-efficiency, low-income single-family and multi-family residents are often left out by not being able to participate. What approaches and resources are available to help your utility support these customers? East Bay Municipal Utility District and San Antonio Water System will start the conversation by sharing challenges and successes with reaching these customers at their own utilities. 

WaterSense Resources for Conservation Professionals 101: (Watch Recording) (View Slide Deck) Join EPA WaterSense to walk through available resources for water agency professionals from EPA’s WaterSense Programs. Some of the resources that will be highlighted include: the water score, WaterSense labeled products, consumer marketing campaign, and programs related to outdoors, technical, and homes.

New Conservation Coordinator Workshop: Residential Programs – Incentives and Leak Detection: (Watch Recording) (View Slide Deck) Leveraging CalWEP’s new Implementation Guides, this series will explore our top tips and tricks for getting your programs off the ground and highlight real-world application through CalWEP member examples.


Date: June 2, 2021 9:00 am - June 3, 2021 3:30 pm
Location: Your Computer

Anywhere, CA