SB 606/AB 1668 Outreach and Media Toolkit (2018)

Published: August 14th, 2018 | |

In 2018, Governor Brown signed SB 606/AB 1668 into law. This bill seeks to “Make Water Conservation a Way of California Life.” The media’s response to this bill was all over the place with a major narrative arising that Californians could no longer “shower and do laundry in the same day.” To push back on this unhelpful and false narrative, CalWEP created an outreach and media toolkit. This editable resource includes:

  • Template Language for Community Outreach
  • Talking Points for Agency Staff Including Customer Service Representatives
  • Social Media Sample Posts and Sharable Images
The State Water Board is set to finalize their regulations sometime in 2022/2023. CalWEP will update this toolkit once all regulations are adopted. 

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