Efficiency Through Collaboration

Advancing urban water management through member-driven programming


The Outdoor Residential Standard Cut Sheet

CalWEP cut sheets are intended to provide conservation staff, managers, and board members with succinct summaries of elements that make up a retail supplier’s unique Objective, and include sections on how to comply with the legislation.

The Indoor Residential Standard Cut Sheet (updated)

CalWEP cut sheets are intended to provide conservation staff, managers, and board members with succinct summaries of elements that make up a retail supplier’s unique Objective, and include sections on how to comply with the legislation.

Tool #3: Drought Communications Primer

This primer identifies popular and effective water efficiency programs, along with the communication and outreach strategies that have been used by California water suppliers to educate customers, influence water use behaviors, and realize water savings.

Tool #4: Water Use and Waste Awareness Programs

In this tool, we explore how different water agencies are using new and enhanced metering, sensor, and aerial imaging technology to provide useful data for tackling drought enforcement and conservation programming while providing customers with the tools they need to become effective water managers.

Tool #2: Water Waste Ordinances, Allotments, and Enforcement

This tool provides examples of how water agencies implemented and enforced water waste ordinances in 2012-2017, what they learned, the changes they made for the current and/or future droughts, and advice for those interested in implementing a similar program.

Tool #1: Model Water Shortage Contingency Plans

This tool provides model Water Shortage Contingency Plans(WSCP) and has been updated to reflect new requirements for urban water suppliers’ 2020 Urban Water Management Plans (UWMP).

Landscape Conversion Criteria Tool

CalWEP has updated and reissued its Landscape Conversion Criteria Tool intended to assist turf rebate program managers design effective and progressive rebate criteria.

CalWEP News

Our Mission

California Water Efficiency Partnership maximizes urban water efficiency and conservation throughout California. We do this by supporting and integrating innovative technologies and practices; encouraging effective public policies; advancing research, training, and public education; and building collaborative approaches and partnerships.

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The Alliance for Water Efficiency

The Alliance for Water Efficiency

The Alliance for Water Efficiency is a stakeholder-based nonprofit organization dedicated to the efficient and sustainable use of water. Headquartered in Chicago, the Alliance serves as a North American advocate for water-efficient products and programs, and provides information and assistance on water conservation efforts
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