
CalWEP is excited to launch a first of its kind graphics-only landscape maintenance guide for low-water use landscapes! 20 pages of easy to understand content printed on durable material to...

Beginning October 1, 2020, all Spray Sprinkler Bodies (SSB) must meet specific performance requirements and contain the proper markings in order to be legally sold in California. Further, all products...

CalWEP has updated and reissued its Landscape Conversion Criteria Tool intended to assist turf rebate program managers design effective and progressive rebate criteria.  The tool offers a “menu” of program...

The Energy and Greenhouse Gas Cut Sheet is part of a series that offers a short and comprehensive summary of environmental and social benefits attributed to sustainable landscapes. Findings from...

The Multiple Benefits of Water Conservation: Defining the environmental and social benefits of landscape transformation programs, is a brief summary document that highlights findings from a comprehensive literature review on...

With upcoming expansion of irrigation meter programs, it is important to take a step back and analyze known information about the real-world application of these programs. The California Water Efficiency...

The Human Health and Well Being Cut Sheet is part of a series that offers a short and comprehensive summary of environmental and social benefits attributed to sustainable landscapes. Findings from...

The Property Value Cut Sheet is part of a series that offers a short and comprehensive summary of environmental and social benefits attributed to sustainable landscapes. Findings from CalWEP’s comprehensive...

AWE’s Landscape Transformation Study found that consumers are ready for sustainable, water-efficient landscapes—but they need help from their water providers. AWE’s new publication, Sustainable Landscapes: A Utility Program Guide, leverages the...

FOREWARD California’s landscapes provide essential functions throughout our urban environment. It’s where we recreate, cool our buildings, enhance property values, capture, clean and recharge groundwater, provide wildlife habitat, grow food...