
Urban retail water suppliers are required to complete questionnaires administered by the State Water Resource Control Board (California Code of Regulations, title 23, division 3, chapter 3.5, section 983). If a supplier has multiple systems, it must complete this questionnaire once for each system.

Pressure Management Questionnaire

This system-level questionnaire asks for information on pressure control devices and high leakage zones.

A summary of the questions in the pressure management questionnaire is available here

Asset Management Questionnaire

This system-level questionnaire asks for information on distribution infrastructure leak records maintenance and replacement prioritization.

A summary of the questions in the asset management questionnaire is available here


Regulatory Text

§ 970. Water Loss

(a) Suppliers shall calculate system-specific standards for real water loss pursuant to section 982.

(b) (1) Each year, suppliers that own and operate a single system shall calculate their water loss budget (Bwater loss), in gallons, by multiplying the applicable water loss standard (Swater loss) calculated pursuant to section 982 by the number of days in the year, and, depending on the units associated with the standard calculated pursuant to section 982, by either the number of total service connections (C) or the length of the distribution system, in miles (M). These formulas are expressed mathematically as follows:

Bwater loss = Swater loss × C × days in the year


Bwater loss = Swater loss × M × days in the year

(2) Suppliers that own and operate multiple systems shall calculate an aggregate annual water loss budget (SBwater loss) as described in paragraph (1) for each system and then by summing the estimated efficient water loss budgets associated with each system. This formula is expressed mathematically as follows, with Bwater loss for system (i) referring to the water loss budget for system i in the set of all the systems owned and operated by the supplier (i is the summation index):

(c) Prior to a supplier’s initial compliance deadline specified in section 981, the supplier’s water loss budget may, alternatively, be equal to its previous year’s real water losses reported in its annual water loss audit submitted to the Department pursuant to Water Code section 10608.34 (c).

Data Required

Minimal data collection is required under the UWUO process. Suppliers will submit all required data through their formal annual water loss audits. The UWUO process will compare real water loss to the water loss objective.


§ 975. Reporting

(a) Each urban retail water supplier shall submit to the Board, no later than January 1, 2024, and by January 1 every year thereafter, the report required by Water Code section 10609.24. The report shall reflect the conditions of the previous state fiscal year, except as specified in subdivision (b).

(b) No later than January 1, 2025, and by January 1 every year thereafter, each urban retail water supplier shall submit to the Board, on a machine-readable form provided by the Board, the supplier’s urban water use objective calculated pursuant to section 966 along with relevant and supporting data.

(4) For the budget for real water losses described in section 970:

(A) The volume of water in gallons per year associated with the real water loss budget (Bwater loss) calculated pursuant to section 970.

(B) For systems with water loss standards expressed in units of gallons per connection per day, the supplier shall report the number of service connections for each system it owns and operates, as reported to the Department pursuant to Water Code section 10608.34.

(C) For systems with water loss standards expressed in units of gallons per mile per day, the supplier shall report the length of mains for each system it owns and operates, as reported to the Department pursuant to Water Code section 10608.34.