CalWEP, the Alliance for Water Efficiency and Maddaus Water Management have teamed up during this unprecedented time to bring our members and partners resources and trainings for working remotely. Webinars will be held on Thursdays at 11am for the next few weeks as we all settle in to new working conditions.
Use the links below to download presentations, register for upcoming webinars, and join our Basecamp where you can engage in a forum with questions, or upload your own resources.
Watch Part 1: Staying Connected
Watch Part 3: Creative Solutions for Conservation Programs
OSHA Checklist for Computer Workstations
Franklin Covey Resource Center
The Management Center COVID-19 Resources
Association of State Drinking Water Administrators webpage (search by state!)
AWWA Resources for Water Agencies
ACWA Resources for Water Agencies
Water Nerds Guide to Communicating About COVID-19 – Water in Real Life Podcast
Basecamp is an online project management tool used by CalWEP for their committee work. It includes a forum for sending messages to other group members, creating and uploading files and tracking progress. Anyone looking for extra support is invited to join our Basecamp to share resources or ask questions. Please note: once you create an account we encourage you to update your notification settings to reduce the amount of email notifications you will get.
The Dos and Don’ts of Online Video Calls – NYTimes 3/25/20
Effective Alternatives for Digital Public Engagement During COVID-19 – Katz & Associates 3/23/20