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Framework Cut Sheet: CII Performance Measures

Published: February 20th, 2025 | , |

Making Conservation a Way of Life

California’s Long-Term Framework legislation (SB 606 and AB 1668) sets new standards for urban water suppliers, requiring them to enhance water efficiency through clearly defined standards and performance measures. These regulations, effective January 1, 2025, are designed to make water conservation a way of life across the state. To comply, urban water suppliers must categorize Commercial, Industrial, and Institutional (CII) water users, report high water usage, and implement best management practices (BMPs) to promote long-term sustainability and resource efficiency.

This cut sheet provides an overview of the key requirements, including:

  • CII Classification – Overview for classification of CII water users to improve benchmarking and water use efficiency.
  • Disclosable Buildings – Reporting requirements for identifying and managing water use in specific building types.
  • High Water Use Reporting – Methods for identifying and reporting high water users, including 80th and 97.5th percentile thresholds.
  • Best Management Practices (BMPs) – Conservation programs that suppliers must implement to reduce water use and enhance sustainability.

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