If you don’t have time to attend a million meetings each week related to the SB 606/AB 1668, CalWEP, RWA and ACWA have teamed up and have you covered. Our team will post updates for each standard below keeping you up to date on the latest developments as DWR and the SWRCB go through the regulation and rulemaking process. Have something you think we should be covering? Reach out to us at [email protected]
To recap – here is a breakdown of the water use objective:
Additionally there will also be CII Performance Measures
Indoor Standard (DWR)
Outdoor Standard (DWR)
CII Performance Measures (DWR)
Variance & Bonus (DWR)
Water Loss Performance Standards (State Water Board)
Water Supply and Demand Assessment (DWR)
For any specific questions reach out to:
Tia Lebherz, CalWEP – [email protected]
Chelsea Haines, ACWA – [email protected]
Amy Talbot, RWA – [email protected]