CalWEP Submits Comment Letter on Draft Framework Regulation

Published: October 17, 2023

On October 17, 2023 CalWEP submitted written comments to the State Water Resources Control Board on their draft regulation to "Make Water Conservation a California Way of Life."  CalWEP's recommendations are as follows:

  1. CalWEP recommends that the State Water Board and the California Department of Water Resources work together to secure funding for agencies to successfully comply with the proposed regulation.
  2. The State Water Board should recognize and promote programs offered by regional water wholesalers, energy utilities, and non-profits like CalWEP as a means for suppliers to comply with the regulations, this includes Best Management Practices listed under the CII Performance Measure and under a revised Alternative Compliance Pathway
  3. CII Performance Measures should apply to the top 20% of water users amongst all CII accounts rather than the top 2.5% of water users, and the requirement to target the top 20% of water users by sector should be eliminated from the Regulation. Additionally, suppliers with less than 10% CII potable water usage should be exempt from CII Performance Measures, based on a five-year average that is re-evaluated every five years.
  4. Extend the compliance start-date for CII BMP implementation to 2030 to allow ample time for CII classification, landscape area measurement, and targeted BMP development.
  5. The Board should consider an Alternative Compliance Pathway that is less onerous and more streamlined than what is currently required under the proposed regulation a
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