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Retail Agencies w/3,000 or Less Connections = $1,250 Retail Agencies with 3,001 or More Connections = $2,500
$.053 x (# of Connections)
Note: The total Retailer Dues is capped at $40,000. Connection amounts are based on most recent Urban Water Management Plan reporting. Includes all connections except fire lines.
Public agencies; municipalities; and investor-owned or privately-owned entities that provide water to individuals and communities. Note: If your agency, municipality, or utility is a retail and wholesale provider of water, annual dues will be calculated using both the number of retail water connections and the amount of wholesale water sold.
1.5ยข (or $0.015) per connection, with a min of $500 and maximum of $25,000.
Wholesale Agencies Delivering Less Than 10,000 Acre-Feet Annually = $1,250
Wholesale Agencies Delivering 10,000 or More Acre-Feet Annually = $2,500
Note: If the Wholesaler is also a Retailer and paying the Administrative Fee as a Retailer, the Wholesaler will not pay the Administrative Fee as a Wholesaler. The total Wholesaler Dues is capped at $15,000. Include untreated, non-potable, and recycled water in the volumetric calculation.
Consultants, contractors, and professional service providers not engaged in the manufacture or sale of a product.
Flat Administrative Fee by Self-Reported Category & Tier = Annual Dues
Dues based on number of employees.
Manufacturers and retailers of products (water consuming, water saving, water measurement, etc.)
Dues based on annual revenue.
Educational institutions, governmental agencies, and 501(c)(3) Organizations
Indian tribes and departments and agencies of federal, state/province, county, and local governments that do not qualify as a Water Supplier, Wastewater Agency, Business and Industry, Association, or Affiliate Member.
Industry associations; universities; not-for-profits; NGOs; water, energy, and environmental-related organizations that do not qualify as a Water Supplier, Wastewater Agency, Business and Industry, Association, or Government Member.
Note: Qualification will be re-evaluated on a yearly basis
Membership-based collectives.
Public agencies; municipalities; and investor-owned or privately-owned entities that process and treat wastewater. Note: This is only for stand-alone wastewater agencies. For electric companies the dues are slightly different.
Membership for both AWE and CalWEP combined for select individuals pending application review.