Together, CalWEP and California American Water have made the tough decision to cancel the Spring Plenary in San Diego on March 18th due to concerns related to COVID-19.
“This step was not taken lightly but we felt it necessary to cancel in order to avoid unnecessary travel and avoid large group gatherings. California American Water fully supports CalWEP and is committed to sponsor a future event yet to be determined. We sincerely apologize but hope this decision will help support the fight against this Virus outbreak.” -Patrick Pilz, California American Water
Even though we are cancelling the in-person event, we still have excellent programming that we want to share with you. Please join us for a virtual Plenary on March 18, 2020 from 10am-12pm. Register for the webinar here.
10:00 -10:20 am – CalWEP and AWE News, Tia Lebherz, CalWEP
10:20 -10:45am – Towards a Multi-Benefit Approach, Sarah Diringer, Pacific Institute
10:45 -11:00 am – CalWEP New Member Spotlight, STEMhero and Water Efficient Garden
11:00am -12:00 pm- Never Stop Learning: Training for Water Use Efficiency Professionals
William Granger, City of Sacramento (moderator)
Mary Ann Dickinson, Alliance for Water Efficiency
Sue Mosburg, CA-NV AWWA
Brenda Scott Cervantes, Lane Community College
Kim O’Cain, O’Cain Consulting
We apologize for any inconvenience and hope you’re still willing and able to join us via webinar for our virtual-Plenary!
**Please note, as of 1/1/2020 plenary attendance is now a MEMBER-ONLY benefit**