CalWEP Members and Supporters,
As you know, last week in response to concerns regarding the COVID-19 virus, CalWEP cancelled our planned Spring Plenary in San Diego. Since then we’ve watched as events have been cancelled in California and around the nation, and last week Governor Gavin Newsom issued an executive order calling for the statewide cancellation of gatherings of 250 or more people through the end of March.
Many members have contacted us regarding Peer to Peer 2020, which is planned for June 2-3 in San Jose. On March 11 Santa Clara County declared a local state of emergency effective for the next three weeks due to the spread of the virus.
It is natural to be concerned about our event in San Jose but at this time there is no plan to cancel or postpone Peer to Peer. Like you, we hope that the spread of the virus slows in the coming month. We will continue to monitor the situation and pledge to inform you of any changes to these plans.
Rest assured that we are paying close attention and know that your safety and health is of primary concern as we wade through these uncharted waters.
Please contact us if you have any questions regarding this or any other CalWEP event and plan to join us for our plenary Webinar on March 18 from 10 am to noon. Register here.
Thank you,
Sarah Foley & Tia Lebherz
CalWEP Co-Executive Directors