BMP Cost and Savings Study Update (2014)

Published: July 15, 2014

A Guide to Data and Methods for Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of Urban Water Conservation Best Management Practices 


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Preface to the Revision

This 2014 revision of the Cost and Savings Study is a stand alone revision for three topics addressed in prior versions of the study, as well as several conceptual topics identified in the 2005 study as known areas where future research is needed. These topics will be integrated into the Cost and Savings Study during the next revision to the study.

The following topics have been revised from the 2005 Study:

  • Large Landscape – Page 1
  • High Efficiency Washers – Page 8
  • Weather Based Irrigation Controllers (Residential) – Page 18

A new section for each of the following conceptual topics:

  • Discount Rates – Page 29
  • Savings Decay Over Time – Page 31
  • Natural Replacement Rates – Page 35
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