STEMhero Offers Free Distance Learning Lessons for CalWEP Members

Published: May 11, 2020

Because students are separated from their teachers and school building, the home itself must become a learning tool.  Water utilities have the unique capacity to create empowered student data analysts, who leverage their home meters and customer portals to practice scientific inquiry while driving adoption of efficiency best practices. Especially as outdoor irrigation increases and families face economic uncertainty, students need opportunities to reconnect their learning with positive community-centered action.

STEMhero is offering to share (free) a lesson we specifically created for teachers/families during this time of distance learning.
It is centered on leak detection and available in English and Spanish. We will also customize it at no charge for CalWEP members so that it sends students/families to their specific AMI portal or other local leak resources.

Additional information on other opportunities for engagement during a time of distance learning can also be discussed. More information at

Contact [email protected] today! 

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